Recycling Made Easy

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A new crime fighting duo are here to clean the streets of KL, more than just metaphorically. Greggers Reimann and Matthias Geilber, also known as the Eco Warriors, want you! – to recycle. They have a plan to make recycling accessible and easy for condos and apartments. They say it’s a win-win-win situation, as well as little work or effort involved. Doing good whilst exerting the least amount of effort and energy? It may sound too good to be true, rest assured it’s legit. Check out the details below.

The boys have developed a system that is easy to set up and maintain, costs about 8RM/ apartment and even gives the cleaners a bit of pocket money. Items that can be recycled are bottles & cans (plastic, metal, glass), beverage cartons, paper (newspaper, magazines, books, black and white paper), cardboard, DVDs/CDs and even batteries.

They’ve tested out this system and have about 100-200 kg of material recycled every month from the 91 apartment units.  This project worked so well that the owners of the condo have implemented the same plan in all 30 condominium units that they own.  Don’t wait for your landlord, become a copy cat today!

For how to start recycling in your apartment head to the Eco Warriors website. You can also join the facebook group to keep updated with all that is green.

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