Rebecca Black To Sue Ark Music Factory?

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Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past few weeks, you should have heard of a certain uprising ‘star’ called Rebecca Black. Well, love her or hate her, this 13-year-old has definitely created a new anthem for your favourite day of the week with her viral video, Friday. Now, after weeks of fun fun fun, Rebecca and her mother may be suing the company behind the song. Hmmm, money begets fame or fame begets money?

Ark Music Factory is the company that Rebecca’s mother paid to write the song and produce the music video for her. Written by Patrice Wilson, the founder of Ark Music Factory who also appears on the video as the rapper, Friday gained notoriety as the worst song ever written for its lyrics that goes along the lines of “Tomorrow is Saturday, and Sunday comes afterwards”.

Accusing them of copyright infringement and unlawful exploitation of publicity rights, Rebecca and her mom are saying that the producers not only failed to provide them with master recordings of the ‘Friday’ video and song, they also exploited her likeness on YouTube, iTunes, Amazon and their website as well as created a ‘Friday’ ringtone without their permission.

Patrice Wilson denied the claims, saying that everything is fine and they can have the masters and song. Contrarily, his lawyer says the agreement between Rebecca’s mother and Ark Music Factory was not court-approved and therefore Ark Music Factory owns the composition. Well, no matter who owns the rights, one thing for sure is that Rebecca is taking the internet by storm. As of today, her video on YouTube has already had over 80 million views and counting!

Don’t know about you but I just find it incredibly funny that this song and this girl has gotten so famous for being the object of merciless ridicule on the internet. Oh and word is that she is recording a new song called “LOL”. I wonder if the lyrics go, “LOL is Laugh Out Loud so HAHAHA”…

If you managed to steer clear from all the hype thus far, then check out Rebecca’s video below and tell us what you think.


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