Rave With The New Wave @ Milk
Just as we were wondering where all the good raves have gone, the duo Foulworks returns by goading us into raving with the new wave. The entire JUICE team ventured into uncharted territories this fateful night and have reported our findings below…
In the depths of the packed, dark and sweaty Milk club, Foulworks shed the electro heavy beats and usher in a new era. Rave with the New Wave is Foulworks’ new sound and direction, indie mixed with trance, tech house, and a bit more ravey than what we are used to seeing from the duo. The incredible sound system at Milk was perfect for this type of music and there were only a few party goers who weren’t on their feet by the end of the night.
The verdict is in, we’ve raved with the new wave, and it’s a pretty good ride! Keep it coming boys! Although, how do you see with those masks?
For snaps from the night, check out the gallery. All your Foulworks updates, check out their facebook page.