Rapper Princess Nokia kicked out racist in subway

A video surfaced on the internet of a racist wypipo throwing and screaming the N-word around in a New York subway. It shows how a group of New Yorkers confronted the man, and kicked him out. There was even a lady who threw soup at the racist scumbag. But who’d knew it was actually Princess Nokia.
New Yorkers kicking racists ass one at a time pic.twitter.com/yRUBD3kXIs
— BallerAlert (@balleralert) October 10, 2017
The video showed only half the story. According to the feminist rapper, everyone heard the drunk man calling out a group of teenagers the N-word. As a brave woman of colour, she did what she had to do – she slapped him. Soon after, the man started to call Nokia the N-word, in fact, he was screaming it. The disrespect! Her ‘brothers’ came in the picture and help her throw the man out of the subway, then the infamous soup throwing happened. She confirmed all of this on her Twitter:
And yes I threw hot soup in this mans face and kicked him off off the train , and kicked in the face.
Any other racists wanna try us again? https://t.co/T6BpDMENIj— Princess Nokia (@princessnokia) October 11, 2017
She also shared a thing of two about this situation:
I witness blatant racism in public constanly, and it is heartbreaking to witness such hatred and bigotry go Un defended
— Princess Nokia (@princessnokia) October 11, 2017
It take alot of risks trying to stand up to racist & bigots. Putting yourself in potential danger is scary ASF, esp as a young women
— Princess Nokia (@princessnokia) October 11, 2017
But I be damned if i let some drunk bigot call a group of young teenage boys racist names and allow him to get away with it ✊✊✊
— Princess Nokia (@princessnokia) October 11, 2017
Some applaud Princess Nokia for having the courage to stand up for what’s right:
This empowered me. Black women + woc physically fighting against the violence of white supremacy and patriarchy is COMPLETELY called for https://t.co/DXIvSsHrBl
— world princess (@artangeI) October 11, 2017
That oxygen thief deserved everything he got, and more. No one should have to put up with that. Respect to you for standing up to it.
— Paul (@theimp67) October 12, 2017
Seeing this gave me extra strength in my conviction to STAND UP and DEFEND when it’s time to. Thanks again, sis
— mercedes (@shethewoke) October 11, 2017
A bunch might say she was a bit aggressive, but let’s keep it real, you guys. Racists should be called out for their actions and we shouldn’t let them run their mouth like that. There are consequences to their actions – like leaving the subway drenched in soup.
Speaking of calling out, see Eminem slam Trump in a freestyle diss rap here