Radio Demokratika Album Launch

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Just when we thought that all lawyers were a bunch of uptight wordy people who wear black and white all the time, the Bar Council (no, that’s not the name of a bar) has released an album, Radio Demokratika as part of its MyConstitution Campaign. Launching this Saturday, 5th March 2011 at Pekan Frinjan 18, Radio Demokratika or Democratic Radio in English is all about letting our rights be heard or known through music.

This 12 track album features new music by established Malaysian artistes including Azmyl Yunor, The Panda Head Curry? and An Honest Mistake. Offering an alternative spread of songs that revolve around our fundamental rights as guaranteed under the Federal Constitution, this album launch will be the first in a series of gigs leading up to the Rock Rock Consti Concert at Fort Cornwallis, Penang on the 2nd of April 2011.

Look out for performances by some of the bands featured on the album, as well as the CD, which will be sold at the special rate of RM20!

For more info plus the latest updates on gigs, check out

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