‘Kisah Bawah Tanah’ is a coming-of-age horror-comedy series that revolves around two skeletal zombie best friends, Sam and Zack, as they navigate a world teeming with creatures from Southeast Asian folklore.
‘Bridgerton’ Season 4 sees Benedict Bridgerton as the focal point of the marriage mart as he searches for a mysterious woman called the “Lady in Silver”.
‘JIKA TAKDIR’ is an album that helps listeners understand who maatjet is, not just as an artist but also as a person who has worked hard to craft his work.
Malaysian’s very own Pestle & Mortar Clothing has linked up with the Olympic Council of Malaysia for their ‘Malaysian Pride’ collection, releasing eight exclusive items that pay tribute to and celebrate our Malaysian Olympians.
After nearly a decade of operation, fans can now shop at UR’s Malaysian flagship store on the fourth floor of Pavilion KL, complete with a massive artistic sculpture perfect for Instagram feeds.