Police Warn MyBurgerLab For Letting Employee Eat in Store Minutes Before His Shift

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(source: MyBurgerLab FB/Website)

MyBurgerLab recently cautioned other businesses about their staff eating on premises after a close shave with the authorities.

The burger chain said authorities had wanted to slap it with an RM25,000 fine yesterday (16 May) evening after a staff ate at its Sunway outlet shortly before clocking in for his shift.

Renyi Chin, co-founder of MyBurgerLab mentioned that the staff was eating at the table at 5.15 pm and his shift was supposed to start at 5.30 pm. It was also noted that the employee had yet to change into his staff uniform at the time.

When police showed up and saw the employee, they were requested to head down to a police station alongside their SSM document where they were supposed to be slapped with an RM25,000 fine. Thankfully, the business was let off with a warning after they showed the authorities proof that their staff works there.

(source: MyBurgerLab Facebook)

In a Facebook post, MyBurgerLab shared the incident to remind other business owners that things like this can happen to them too.

“Half baked SOPs and MCOs are dished out as you please, we have no choice but to just abide and follow. It really feels like the governing body is out to get every one of us. Do you want businesses everywhere to shut down?” MyBurgerLab asked in the post.

The business also said it had asked the officers whether staff could eat in stores.

“Here’s the kicker. When we asked ‘so where do the staff eat then?’ Answer: ‘Be smart. Hide’,” the post read.

(source: MBL FB)

Read the full post here:

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