Pisco Bar Pres. Movember Fundraising Party

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source: Poova

Movember takes place every year in, well, November, but the point isn’t to grow out beards to look like fake lumberjacks, no. It’s actually a month to raise awareness on prostate cancer. Pisco Bar is hosting a night to do both things; raise funds to donate to Malaysia’s National Cancer Society and to celebrate glorious facial hair! A ton of gifts will be given throughout the night from sponsors like BadLab, Dr. D Clinic, and Lazada — but only attendees who purchase a raffle ticket will be in the running to win some of the goods. Each raffle ticket is priced at RM20 and will be part of the donation to our National Cancer Society. It wouldn’t be a party without music; Juny Brothers, Gabriel Lynch, and Poova will be performing on stage while DJ Moslazy & Bruce G will be entertaining from behind the deck.

Date Thursday 26 November ’15
Time 9pm
Venue Pisco Bar, KL

For more information, click here

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