Piring-Piring #2

Did you read our coverage on the inaugural Piring-Piring in this month’s issue? Suffice it to say, it was a fun and chilled way to finish off the week; food, music, and you could even squeeze a little vinyl shopping if you fancied. This Sunday will mark the second instalment of the Piring-Piring series and it will boast a larger repertoire of musical acts and stalls to entertain those in attendance. Manning the decks this time will be Xes Xes Loveseat, Oddjobb, and Kevin & Yi (of KBnL), whereas Ali Aiman and Froya will be performing on the rooftop, which is just like the first Piring-Piring as it is limited to 20 pax on a first-come-first-serve basis. On the vendors front, expect everyone’s favourite local ice-cream brand The Last Polka, Crzypuff, B’Wiched, along with some fashion stalls courtesy of BOK TJUV and Medium Rare Store. And not forgetting the sole reason you will be attending this event; there will be crates of vinyl records strewn throughout the venue on sale as well!
Date Sunday 31 May ’15
Time 4pm
Venue Barlai
More information on the event here.