Patrick Wolf: The Bachelor (Bloody Chamber Music)
Classical techno pop, 3 words that would certainly spell disaster for any budding artist except flamboyant and sexually-liberal Patrick Wolf. Changing record labels more often than hair colour, this avant garde singer-songwriter knows how to maintain his creative freedom. His 4th album, The Bachelor is truly refreshing with orchestral and rock instruments clashing against synths and drum loops. There’s an eclectic mix of styles here but The Bachelor flows well with Wolf’s voice holding the pieces together. The album opens with a dramatic overture before kicking into ‘Hard Times’ – a working man’s revolution song that can rival any U2 anthem. Using violins to play riffs over distorted guitars, Wolf turns the techno up to 11 for the next track Oblivion. The rest of the album genre bends like David Bowie’s experimental years and makes way for some awesomely moving moments towards the end. Guess musicians include Alec Empire from Atari Teenage Riot. Wolf is currently selling shares of the album on so die hard fans and forward-thinking businessmen can actually invest in The Bachelor. Now, how 21st century it that?