Parkson wants to take you on vacation & buy you a car!

Shopping malls can be overwhelming as there are so many store choices, so why not simplify it and go straight to where everything is – Parkson! It’s an accessible department store in most major malls that you just won’t miss unless you have a case of smartphone neck. Don’t believe us that Parkson has got everything you need? Then checkout their freshly opened Dr Martens corner at level 2 KLCC.
2017 marks Parkson’s 30th anniversary and with that, the year-end Parkson Shop2Win Shopperriffic Contest is back with prizes that would make your 2018 start with a bang! By simply joining the contest you could win prizes worth over RM300,000, who would not want that?
Thirty lucky shoppers stand a chance to “skrrt, skrrt” on a brand new Honda Jazz; and also to win 4Days/3Nights fully-paid trips for two to four destinations including Shanghai, Qing Dao, Bali and Ho Chi Minh; a Vespa S125 iGet; a Montague Navigator Bicycle; Hamper Sets or Parkson Gift Vouchers. This contest will be happening nationwide across 45 Parkson stores and will end on 5th November 2017.
To enter, just fill up the contest form at any Parkson checkout counter or customer service corner, and drop the contest form along with the original receipt (with a minimum purchase of RM30) into the designated contest boxes at every Parkson store. Yes, it’s that simple. To increase your chances of winning, be a Parkson Card Member, and your entry will be doubled.
As if that wasn’t enough to entice shoppers, if you are shopping in Parkson and you happen to see an item with the ‘green icon’, get it immediately! During this promotion that lasts 4 months, the green icon represents items with attractive prices at either RM30, 30% off, or bundled sets.
To hype it more up, in October, Parkson will be giving away Thumbdrives and Powerbanks (super handy!) exclusively for shoppers who spend RM300 and above at any of their stores.
So shop at Parkson now and you might be able to update your Instagram feed with your long-awaited vacation or “flex” that your new ride of yours!
For more info, checkout Parkson Malaysia’s Facebook Page.