Orvillecopter: Artist Turns His Dead Cat Into Flying Helicopter

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If you think that the story about a naked man chewing off the face of another naked man is crazy, then you need to check this out!

Believe it or not, a dead cat named Orville Wright (named after the famous Aviator) was transformed into a flying helicopter by its owner after it was run over by a car. Dutch artist Bart Jensen, who found it very hard to part with Orville after its demise, teamed up with radio control helicopter-flyer Arjen Beltman to build a specially-designed flying mechanism to attach to the cat. He dubbed his cat art The Orvillecopter – ‘half cat, half machine’, and part of a visual art project to pay tribute to his cat Orville. Jansen also added that Orville will soon be “flying with the birds” stating –  “Oh how he loved birds.” Orville will also receive more powerful engines and larger props for its birthday. [source: www.dailymail.co.uk]

Still think that the ‘naked zombie attack‘ is the weirdest story you’ve ever read? Click on the video below to see Orville take off!


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