Ohrwurm pres. youANDme [Cocoon / Desolat, Berlin]
If you want dance music that runs deep, look no further than the sound produced by Berliners youANDme. Not only have they played around the world, but their edits and remixes have garnered some considerable plays as well. youANDme have continued to educate people with what the Berlin dance scene has to offer, but with their numerous imprints, they’ve also been able to supply a good amount of music from Germany to the rest of the world. Alam, Yenn Lim, Rimka will be warming the crowd before the main act, and one can expect visuals from Boris Foong as well.
Date Saturday 5 December ’15
Time 10pm
Venue Lust
Cover RM40 before midnight / RM50 after midnight
More information on the event here.