Ohrwurm Pres. Osunlade

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source: osunlade

Billing in another international act, Ohrwurm got revered deep house messiah Osunlade to have you grooving on the cusp of Valentine’s Day. Raised in Missouri, the state’s strong blues and jazz roots are evident in his dance choons. However, Osunlade began his career in music production where the projects ranged from Sesame Street to the ’90s hit ‘Rico Suave’. After he underwent a spiritual awakening, he started the acclaimed Yoruba Records, and that’s when he truly took off on his own accord. With this wideranging talent, you know that you’d have a good time regardless if you have a date or not. Shazan Z, Alam, and Axel Groove & Xes Xes Loveseat (B2B) open.

Date Friday 13 February ’15
Time 10pm
Venue Nagaba
Cover RM50 before 12am / RM60 after 12am (both include first drink)

Event details here

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