NERD Detained?!

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JUICE is going Twitter crazy, and when we saw on Deathrockstar, an Indonesian webzine’s Twitter page saying “Sorry guys, the NERD show is cancelled for tonight. More update on this after official release,” we’re more than curious what is up. An hour later this comes up, “Latest info on NERD cancellation, from JFP staff: Malaysia detained their passports due to inappropriate clothes (wtf?) Link“.

When we see this news in The Jakarta Post a few hours ago, the header says “NERD cancels Jakarta gig after KL mess”. Now we really want to know more. Here’s a quote from the news on what happened:
“Java Festival Production and Urbanite-Sinjitos said NERD had called off their Jakarta gig after Malaysian authorities questioned them and took their passports following their show Saturday at the Sunburst KL International Music Festival.”

Woah. Their permit requests to perform in Malaysia have been rejected twice because of their obscene dressing. Redickkk! Authorities did not go stopping the show either, but detained Pharrell Williams, Chad Hugo and Shay Haley, and held their passports. Pineapple took the blame after much negotiation, so NERD could be released. The Jakarta peeps fought for NERD by saying that the Indonesian authorities wouldn’t pull such a stunt. Unfortunately, the NERD boys decided to go home instead.

How embarrassing for us!

Photo taken from Sunburst Music Festival’s Facebook Group.

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