Elevate Your Lunch Game With MyResipi’s Tiered Lunchbox Movement!

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Say hello to “Projek Mangkuk Tingkat,” an exciting new initiative from MyResipi, WOWSHOP, and Le Nona, which aims to change how Malaysians think about their daily meals by encouraging everyone to ditch single-use packaging and rediscover the joy and benefits of bringing homemade food to work.

Running from 1 to 31 July 2024, “Projek Mangkuk Tingkat” will feature four main videos, released weekly on the MyResipi Facebook page. Each video is packed with tips, inspiration, and practical advice for making the most of your meals!

But this is more than just a lunchbox project…

“Projek Mangkuk Tingkat,” which means “Tiered Lunchbox Project,” is about embracing a healthier lifestyle, caring for the environment, and building a stronger sense of community.

Here are some of the great benefits of packing your own meals:

  • Nourish Your Body: Enjoy balanced, portion-controlled meals with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables to keep you feeling great.
  • Help the Planet: Cut down on single-use plastics and packaging waste, making a positive impact on the environment.
  • Save Money, Save Food: Use up leftovers and reduce food waste, which can lead to significant savings.
  • Build Community: Share your favourite recipes and meal ideas, and connect with others who love home-cooked food as much as you do.

Calling All Food Lovers!

To make things even more fun, MyResipi is hosting the “Projek Mangkuk Tingkat” competition, where you can showcase your favourite recipes and the beautiful ways you present your packed meals.

Just head to the MyResipi Facebook page and post your photos and recipe names in the comments of the designated video!

How to Join:

  1. Visit the MyResipi Facebook page and find the contest video.
  2. Share the names of your dishes and photos of your creatively decorated food boxes in the comments.
  3. Each week, one lucky winner will be chosen to receive a special Le Nona set worth RM1,234.


  • Italian Bloom Dinnerware Set: Two winners will get this lovely dinnerware set.
  • Jumbo Rose Wok Set: Another two winners will receive this beautiful wok set.

Don’t miss out on this chance to win a gorgeous Le Nona set and be part of a movement towards healthier, more sustainable living!

Follow the MyResipi Facebook page for all the details and plenty of recipe inspiration.🍴

Cover image via Andrew Danilov on Unsplash 

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