M’sian Police Constable Injured After Accidentally Shooting His Own Thigh

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For illustration purposes only (source: Reuters)

According to NST, a police constable accidentally shot himself while removing the ammunition from his weapon in Pasir Mas, Kelantan last Wednesday (24 March).

Kelantan police chief Datuk Shafien Mamat said the incident happened at the constable’s workplace at the Meranti police station at about 11.40pm.

“The policeman was about to hand over his semi-auto pistol after completing his duty when he accidentally hit his left thigh while removing the bullets. He was first sent to the Pasir Mas Hospital but later transferred to the Raja Perempuan Zainab II Hospital here,” he said.

Shafien added that the 29-year-old constable was reported to be in stable condition. He mentioned this to reporters after launching the state-level 214th Police Day celebration at the police contingent yesterday (25 March).

(source: NST)

Also present were his deputy Senior Assistant Commissioner Abdullah Mohamad Piah and other heads of police departments. At the event, Shafien launched a state-level discount campaign for traffic summonses.

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