M’sian Government Planning To Conduct Studies Regarding Medicinal Properties Of Ketum & Cannabis

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source: BERNAMA

Malaysia’s Deputy Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Fadillah Yusof (pictured above), is taking a closer look at the potential of using ketum, cannabis, and hemp in the medical field.

He plans to consult with the Health Ministry and key players in the industry, to determine if it’s feasible to cultivate, process, and sell these products with strict regulation in place.

source: Agenda Daily

While other nations, like Thailand, have embraced the sale of ketum and cannabis products, they are still considered controlled substances in Malaysia.

Despite this, Fadillah sees the valuable benefits these plants can bring to the medical field and is eager to explore the possibilities.

source: Northwestern Medicine

However, he is also mindful of the negative connotations surrounding these plants and believes proper control measures must be in place. If approved, the plants could serve as a source of medical oils and other products for export.

He has also visited the Kelantan National Kenaf and Tobacco Board office alongside Deputy Plantation Industries and Commodities Minister, Datuk Siti Aminah Aching.

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