Misa Digital Guitar

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A guitar with no strings? Now that’s something to ponder on. To the tech-minded, it’s innovation. To traditional musicians, it might just be blasphemy. The Misa Digital Guitar removes the strings out and put a touchscreen in their place.

This digital instrument uses 24 frets with a large touchscreen. The open source software is powered by Linux and has the ability to alter the interface to specific functionalities. Hmm.

You can’t compare this to Guitar Hero and we’re not too sure where to place this. Bad enough that our sticky fingers can’t even work a touchscreen phone, but this? We rather play this on a video game sort of thing though.

But hey, you never know- this might just be the next best thing. Check out this Misa Digital Guitar in action.


For more details, strum over to www.misadigital.com.

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