Merdeka With Mak

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Mak, the man behind indie label Soundscape Records, has been pushing local music for the past decade – sending our boys and girls abroad to perform at international festivals and, likewise, import in foreign acts (Mogwai, Envy and Explosions in the Sky to name a few) for the music-hungry population here. Humble and tirelessly hardworking, JUICE engages the ex-drummer and finds out what fuels his local indie spirit.

What does it mean to be Malaysian?
Being Malaysian means honouring our country’s history and its diversity, understanding that there are faults and being able to play our part to make it a better place.

Where did you grow up and what is your fondest childhood memory of Malaysia?
Kelana Jaya. I lived in terrace housing area. My mates and I used to like to hangout at the padang pasir opposite our house. That was our only playground for football, camping, biking….

What will you be doing when the clock strikes 12 midnight on 31 August this year?
I’ll be attending the Bangun Penang Clan Jetties Art Project. I heard it will be held out at sea.

What’s your definition of independence?
Freedom from any form of dependency.

Who’s your Malaysian hero?
I don’t really have one, but I remember my primary school teacher always telling me that Hang Tuah and Yap Ah Loy were our national heroes.

What is your favorite Malaysian song right now?
‘Wawasan 2020’ [the intro by Deng Deng Etc].

Who is your favourite Malaysian band/artist?
Chong Yang.

Where is your favourite Malaysian getaway?
Gem Island. It’s a small island near Pulau Kapas. I went there 15 years ago and it’s a great place for a vacation, but I’m not sure if it is still around.

The worst and best Malaysian traits are…
Best: Easy going.
Worst: Emotionally distant.

If you were Prime Minister for the day you would…..
Order Puspal to grant permit for Rage Against The Machine to do a free concert at Merdeka Square.

If you could leave Malaysians with one thought to ponder this Merdeka what would it be?
Register as voter and vote for a better Malaysia.

Fire up your local pride with Soundscape Records at and

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