MC Asia Music Factory “The Beginning” @ KL Live
It’s not all fun and games in the music business. In fact, there’s a whole lot of blood, sweat and brains that goes into turning a bunch of random bleeps into the next hot dance track. Enter the Global Sound Masters and the Music Conference Asia (MC Asia) event.
The first in a series of workshops, conferences and events, with experts in dance music production at helm of Music Factory: The Beginning, participants, both industry professionals and electronic dance music enthusiasts from across the region, were given key insights into the magic that happens behind the music.
Conference participants received first hand introduction and guidance from Canadian producer, DJ and label owner DJ Preach and world’s Top 100 DJ Marcel Woods from the Netherlands. Among the key topics Preach spoke of were Marketing Strategies for Professional DJs, The Love-Hate Relationship between Technology and Traditional DJing, and Knowing Your Tools. In the second workshop, Marcel touched upon The Evolution of the Music Label, Challenges in the Digital Age, and Artist Development and Music Label Promotions. With all that essential information pinballing around in the minds of DJs and producers keen to knuckle down and get serious, the participants were just as eager to fire back questions. And when the books closed, the beats went down.
Besides Preach and Marcel Woods, Scandinavia’s #1 DJ Marcus Schossow was there to rock it Viking-style along side homeboys Affiq and Funko Munky. The Beginning proved a refreshing change from the usual straight-ahead partying – for once our noggin was troubled by more than just a hangover!
MCAsia Music Factory “The Beginning” took place on 21 November 2009 at KL Live. Lookout for the 2nd chapter of MCAsia Music Factory, titled “The Creation” happening on 23 January 2010. For more info, log on to Check out the party at our gallery.
Image Global Sound Master Sdn. Bhd.