Mat Sabu Says Ketuanan Melayu Is The Same As White Supremacy

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Image credits: NORAFIFI EHSAN / The Star

All eyes were on Mat Sabu (Amanah-Kota Raja) yesterday after the Amanah President equated Ketuanan Melayu to White Supremacy in parliament.

Warisan President, Shafie Apdal, also urged Malays to self-reflect and not blame other races for succeeding in life.

Mohammad Sabu added that the sentiment of white supremacy, which is supported by U.S. President Donald Trump, was the catalyst for protests around the world.

He warned that if Ketuanan Melayu (Malay Supremacy) is left unchecked, it could lead to chaos in Malaysia, similar to the U.S.

“If we look at Ketuanan Melayu, it is the same as White Supremacy. We don’t see the dangers of it now since it’s only the beginning,” he said.

“It happened for hundreds of years in the U.S., and we see what White Supremacy does to the nation,” Mat Sabu said in reference to the Black Lives Matter protests.

However, Ahmad Fadhli Shaari (PAS-Pasir Mas) interrupted and said it’s not fair to equate those two sentiments together. He said, “Ketuanan Melayu and White Supremacy are kind of different, what Ketuanan Melayu states is the rights of Malay people in the constitution and not more than that.”

Mat Sabu said he agrees “100%” – but warns that throwing statements like, “corrupted Muslims should be supported because they can repent afterwards while non-Muslims can’t,” is harmful. He said that this is Assabiyah (racism).

Noh Omar (BN-Tanjong Karang) interrupted Mat Sabu and said that it’s unfair to equate Malays with corruption.

Mat Sabu reiterated that he supports Malay leaders with conscience and integrity, not simply because they are Malay-Muslim. He denounces only those who use their race and religion to get away with crimes such as bribery.

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