Dig The xx? Catch London Duo Majik at Live Fact

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If the minimalist, downtempo (yet danceable) soundscape born out of London’s gloom a la The xx is your cup of tea – and maybe you don’t have the dough to catch The xx in Singapore – then Majik could very well do it for you. This Brit duo, consisting of Jamie (who’s also coincidentally a Jamie that’s responsible for production duties too) and Marcus (wordsmith-cum-vocalist), makes affecting electronic music aided by lush guitar riffs, Logic-borne drums and synths, and soulful vocals – recent single ‘Paralysed’ would get you to jig ever so slightly while also filling the role of emotional therapy. Supporting them that night are sibling duo Juno & Hanna, Tiger Jams 2016 winner Rozella, and Froya’s sideproject with producer Lee Williams, Macropsia.

Watch a live rendition of ‘Paralysed’ below:

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