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source: QT

Based on our knowledge of SOPHIE and PC Music‘s A.G. Cook, we have a sneaking suspicion that the debut single by XL Recording’s future pop princess QT, produced by them, is very likely an invention by the two. Something of a sideproject by the remarkably similar-sounding producers, maybe? The label’s statement does imply this: “[QT is] set to warp and stretch the notion of what a pop star actually is.” Regardless, QT doesn’t stray too far away from their individual sounds, which are on the same wavelength to begin with. It is however, a transcendental take on their bubble gum electronica that could take them to the mainstream. The meta inclusion of QT as a manifestation of the fictional Energy Elixir drink could be a commentary on exactly that — it’s their trademark sound packaged as a corporate fizzy drink. The result is aptly described by XL’s cryptic statement; “Where organic and synthetic meet to stimulate an uplifting club sensation.”

Keep updated on QT by following XL Recordings. Experience Energy Elixir here.

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