LISTEN: Charlie Lim’s ‘Nothing More Cruel (Intriguant Remix)’

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source: Charlie Lim

If you’re a keen follower of Charlie Lim, you might have read his elaborate April Fools’ joke in the form of a article regarding his announcement of foraying into EDM as he abandons all the characteristics that have made him who he is as a musician. Although we’re happy to know that big hollow drops won’t be included in his work in the near future, some downtempo electronic is very much a prospect that has come into fruition. Producer Intriguant – who Charlie frequently performs with – has taken on Charlie’s single ‘Nothing More Cruel’ off his double EP TIME/SPACEimbuing the r’n’b track with some body that anchors the singer’s wispy, ephemeral vocals.

Take a listen to the remixed song below:

The album version here:

Charlie Lim’s TIME/SPACE is available here. More from Intriguant here

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