LISTEN: Adrenaline Mob’s ‘The Devil Went Down To Georgia’
Much of Adrenaline Mob’s star appeal left when Mike Portnoy quit the band (hopping from one side project to another), which left their second album almost unnoticed, which is saying a lot considering that the band’s debut was highly mediocre. Only Russell Allen and Mike Orlando remain from the original lineup, but Twisted Sister’s AJ Pero and ex-Tantric bassist have joined to beef the squad up, though it’s no longer the legendary supergroup that it once was. Either ways, the foursome have decided to release a follow up to their successful Coverta EP with a full-length album filled with covers and a couple of as-yet-unreleased tracks. If you’re not sure what to expect, their version of Charles Daniels’ ‘The Devil Went Down To Georgia’ ought to give you a rough idea of what’s going to be on the album – hard-hitting takes on everything from country to Queen.
Headbang on, cowboy.
More Adrenaline Mob here.