Light up with Foster The People’s Torches
In early 2010 Mark Foster, Cubbie Fink and Mark Pontius released ‘Pumped Up Kicks‘ under the guise of Foster The People. After a year of over 1.4 million streams and a song that every DJ from California to Australia can’t stop playing, the band finally announced the release of their full-length debut Torches. With over 10 infectious indie pop tunes, Torches is the perfect soundtrack for your endless summer!
To win the album, tell us:
What is your idea of a perfect summer?
Send your answer to [email protected] along with your full name, IC and handphone number. Remember to type in ‘Foster The People Torches Album‘ as your e-mail subject.
The closing date for entries is Monday 26 September 2011. All winners will be notified by telephone by Thursday 13 October 2011.