Let The Conferences Begin!
For all you designing enthusiasts out there (as well as you hardcore Andy Warhols), conferences for KLDW 2010 begins today (Friday) with the Typo-Graphics conference, followed by the Magazine Symposium conf (10.30am-5pm, Sat) and the Super Ani-Motion conf (10.30am-6pm, Sun).
Tickets are still available for all conferences happening at the KLCC Convention Centre. And it’s free admission for most of the other exhibitions and workshops. Not to mention, Pecha-Kucha organised by the British Council which is tomorrow night at 8.20pm at Capsquare.
Another free-admission event, get the low down from top designers around the world (including people working in the Publishing Industry – from fashion, design, trend mags).
For more info, checkout www.kualalumpurdesignweek.com.my/2010.