Learn Ableton!
So you’ve heard Djs talking about it in interviews and conversations with fellow DJs. But just what’s Ableton? The answer is, it’s a professional loop-based software music sequencer for music producers and music-lovers. Designed to be an instrument for live performance for you to compose and arrange, Ableton Live is usually used for precision mixing by DJs. And if you have never had the good fortune to learn how to use it, well you will this Thursday 6 August!
Cee from Crunchtime Records (you may know him from Al Haca)  is in town and is conducting an Ableton Session in KL especially for you at Cloth & Clef on Thursday evening, 6 August. Starting from 5pm to 7pm, this Ableton education is free of charge, all you’ve got to do is bring your own laptop and download the free trial via ableton.com! Easy as that! 5pm seems a little out there for a lot, but all you aspiring DJs should check this out. Fo’real!
Deets on Cloth & Clef here. Call 03 2143 3034 or e-mail Cee directly at [email protected]. Find out more about Ableton at www.ableton.com and about Crunchtime Records at www.crunchtime-records.com.