Kochuu: Japanese Architecture Influence & Origin

Japan is known for its architecture — amongst other things of course — everything from its design to its construction is well thought out, which is an unfamiliar aspect in places closer to home… Unsurprisingly, its architecture has seeped its way to how other countries approach creating spaces — Nordic countries being one of them. KOCHUU explores that very aspect, but the film doesn’t just pinpoint the similarities both countries have; it’s also a story of the measures Japanese contemporary architects take to find a compromise between ways of a modern man and old philosophies. The film features works and interviews by both Japanese and Scandinavian architects such as Tadad Ando, Kisho Kurokawa, Sverre Fehn, and Juhani Pallasmaa to name a few. The anticipation for the movie is strong, so seats are naturally at a very limited number. Thus, the only way to secure a spot is by purchasing a ticket; each ticket is priced at RM20, which includes one bottle of “creative juice” — whatever that means — and is non-refundable. FFK-enthusiasts, take note! Payment options can be viewed here.
Watch the trailer below:
Date Saturday 27 February ’16
Time 7pm
Venue Battery Acid Club
Ticket RM20 (inclusive of one ‘creative’ juice)
More information on the event here.