Netizens Express Distaste Towards Dirty Water Supply Allegedly Causing Skin Disorders In Kelantan

Most of us are lucky enough to only catch a glimpse of murky brown liquid in our bubble tea or coffee orders, but for Kelantan folk, the sight is all too familiar, owed to a lack of access to clean, consumption-safe water.
Residents in Kelantan have recently taken to social media to take a stand against the distribution of polluted water, enraged by the local officials’ inaction. They asserted that the distress had been ongoing for years, and that none of the authorities had stepped in to help.
That water quality is quite similar to water in mississippi, kelantan
— Tony Stank (@zxctrippy_) September 10, 2022
My anak buah asked me “kenapa air kelantan rasa lain” (coway water) aku diam je jaga hati tuan rumah 😭😭👆🏻 but it is indeed payau
— haje (@hazirahhfatahh) September 11, 2022
4 tahun duduk di kelantan baju putih jadi warna coklat, Rambut rosak, air kotor effect badan jadi gatal2, air mineral kena beli selang seminggu ya. Sedih tapi ini yang berlaku . Boleh tgok sungai kelantan jadi ayaq teh beng kalau hujan . This is my experience 🙃🙃
— Mieeyoooo (@syamimariffin_) September 10, 2022
The people of Kelantan began demanding that the state government come and investigate the contamination, fearing that the condition would exacerbate. Many contend that young children are particularly at risk of water contamination, and they are deeply worried for their child’s welfare.
One Twitter post in particular was quick to gain traction online, whereby the poster, named Hafiz, depicted the sorry state of his foot which seemed to have fallen victim to some type of infection or skin disease upon coming into contact with the water.
Nak kopi branded mahal? Sila ambil sini…
Check out this latte coffee cirito…
Free flow And extra slime…
I tak dpt air dari kerajaan.. so kena la korek air bawah tanah yang ada..
Tunggu hari perhitungan.. aku nak claim dgn tuan tuan yg jaga kelantan.
— Hafiz D. 🇲🇾 (@artfishstudio) September 10, 2022
This aggravated netizens’ existing displeasure towards the situation, further highlighting how the water could potentially deteriorate one’s general wellbeing. Hafiz also noted that the scab was extremely itchy.
“With all due respect & enthusiasm during this glorious month of independence, I ask for the people to be freed from this endless water issue. Stop pointing fingers at fellow leaders. Unite and solve it quickly, before the torment of hellfire consumes our bodies,” he wrote in a follow-up tweet.
Netizens, particularly those residing in Kelantan, unanimously agreed that the water situation in Kelantan was far from acceptable. Some stated that they had to rely on water vending machines, which are typically located some distance from their homes, particularly for kampung folk.
Nope. Hafiz memang beli air mineral. Tapi imagine rakyat miskin lain? Terpaksa minum air dari mesin tu…
— Hafiz D. 🇲🇾 (@artfishstudio) September 10, 2022
Even so, there are concerns about the extent of water quality, and some would prefer to spend more money on mineral water for the sake of their health; as reported by The Rakyat Post.
Additionally, when asked whether the dirty water issue was consistent or ‘seasonal’, a netizen responded saying “There are only two situations. No water at all, or contaminated water”.
Meanwhile, the tweet continues to garner retweets and replies as Malaysians express their disgust and tag the profiles of local authorities, prompting them to take action.

The Water and Environment Ministry previously estimated that a comprehensive approach to Kelantan’s water supply issues would take up to four decades. Its Minister, Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man, stated that RM7.3 billion would be required to resolve the water crisis as well as provide clean water to Kelantan.
At the time, he claimed that the state’s water supply issue would necessitate the replacement of pipes in order to reduce water loss, asserting that the Ministry would apply to the Economic Planning Unit to incorporate the proposal in the 12th Malaysia Plan (12MP).