Joe Flizzow : President (Kartel)
When you are Joe Flizzow, expectations for your album is high. When JUICE first heard this album, we were surprised at how ‘club hit’ this album feels. Throwing in productions from his bro DJ Iman, DJ Cza, DJ Goldfish, DJ T-Bone and many others on this epic album served to create that extra swag for Joe Flizzow.
Throwing a care for what ‘real hip hop’ means to the wind, Joe just did what he felt was right and we dig it. From the remake of Search’s ‘Isabella’ to the collabo with KRS-One on ‘Get It Done’, Joe’s proven himself again why he’s the leader of the pack. We have no doubt that whatever he does will be on fi-yah. We don’t mind the commercial Joe Flizzy ’cause we found ourselves still bouncing to the President. This man can do no wrong.
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