Jin Hackman: Jinius At Work (Rogue Squadron)
JUICE Cool Lister ’08 Jin Hackman surprised us all with dope release Jinius At Work. Although he took some time to get it right, his efforts paid off as the melodic sounds of this album will attract old and new fans of hip hop through mashings of old and new hip hop flavour. Though his rhymes may come off as monotonous to the untrained ear at times, we know that’s how he rolls. The long list of guest appearances, including Schizzow, iLLevate, Bruce Dwane, Proximas, HQA, NBE, WordsManifest, Ndeesaster and Kryptik, only served to show off his MC skills. Spitting in English and Malay, he manages to make Jinius At Work sound like a cross between Eminem and 9th Wonder. From the melodic ‘Childhood’ to the darker side of ‘Double Draggan’, he took control of the album and owned it. Jin Hackman is the next real thang to have hit Malaysia, and you better know it.