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Don’t get your dreadlocks in a knot thinking that this is some global Bob Marley movement to legalise pot. Jamaica is actually the French duo of Antoine Hilaire and Flo Lyonnet, who are making big waves in the nation’s dance rock scene that everyone from Xavier de Rosnay of Justice to Peter Franco (“audio supervisor” for Daft Punk) gives them and their music big love. And instead of playing typical stabbing-synth-overkill big beats, the duo dabble more with guitars.

In fact, it’s pretty rocked out for French disco (but not as noisily irritating as Justice). Not surprising since they were formerly known as Poney Poney, which was an all-out indie rock band. Production is crisp and some tracks have hints of Phoenix in them. Already, their hits ‘Cross The Fader’ and ‘When Do You Want To Stop Working’ have found legions of fans in their homeland and on the internet. Now they’re zipping up their croissants for their debut album Jamaica No Problem, which should be out soon. Bound to please both rock and dance fans; just imagine Van Halen fronting a nu romantics electro band, if that’s possible.

Listen to ‘I Think I Like U 2 (Breakbot Remix)’ (CTRLFRK/COOP) at www.myspace.com/ithinkilikejamaica.

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