Interview: Posso

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Meet Marylouise Pels and Vanessa Giovacchini, or more fondly known as Posso. This DJ duo has rocked crowds, clubs, fashion shows and the pages of Nylon magazine. Not only DJ extraordinaires, these ladies started out with fashion and their looks have been seen on Paris Hilton, Rihanna and Lindsey Lohan to name a few. The ladies are hitting the decks in KL this weekend at the opening of Bedroom and JUICE caught up with Posso to get the lowdown…

So who is Posso? Tell us about Posso the DJ vs Posso the Spat?
Posso the Spat was our first project. Posso the DJ was the second. We are now Posso because the projects has fused into one.

Posso is Italian from what we understand, what does it mean exactly? Any relation to Snooki?
Ha. Yes, it means “I can” in Italian…and for the record, Posso came into existence before Obama’s propaganda campaign “yes we can” and longer before Snooki. Luckily, our Italian ancestors came to the west coast for real sun, not tanning beds.

You ladies seem like quite the creatives, what are your inspirations? Is it different for your fashion than for your music?
It has been said that we exist in our own universe. Fashion broke the Posso damn open for us and the water that rushed out was music. Beats and blues. Fashion is the outer peal of expression but music is the meat.

It’s apparent you ladies have a refined taste in music and fashion, care to admit to any musical (or fashion) guilty pleasures?
Oh, this is a GOOD question! We love Maroon 5, they don’t get enough credit they are so damn funky and are masters of melody. We are both recently obsessed with Liza Minelli in Cabaret, a must see it’s so psychedelic…what else…Barbara Streisand’s fashion and general swag, especially in The Way We Were. The fashion and music in Cruel Intentions is a huge inspiration right now… OH and we LOVE us some good POP!

What has been your worst fashion disaster from the past? Or with current trends, what look are you sick of?
In theory retrospect is 20/20, which truly shows you the power of fashion, it can only really exist in the moment ya know? I’m sick of thick rimmed glasses, but the worst trend of all is acting too cool to smile. Apathetic angry fashion is NOT COOL. Being happy and confident in whatever the hell you wear is always in style. Just MAKE IT UP! Jesus and Buddha never had a leader.

You’re coming to KL for a gig. We’re just curious, what is your impression of Malaysia? What are you expecting?
We love coming to places curious ourselves! I guess we just sort of expect it to be similar to the other places in Asia we have been? The thing we’ve noticed about Asian countries is the culture and the vibe of the people is SO different. The only similar strand between most of them is that they have zero tolerance for littering, which is so nice! Or maybe that’s just Japan and Singapore??

You’ve played around the world from events like fashion shows to outdoor festivals, what was your best gig?
Well we like to connect closely with the audience; it’s always nice to talk to music heads on the side at smaller events about certain tracks they’re excited about,etc, and you loose that playing a festival, but our favorite gig so far was at White Rabbit in Singapore at the end of summer 2010. The stars aligned, we played for 5 hours, no one was leaving, it was wild and full of love.

Speaking of gigs, JUICE has heard you’ve played gigs from clubs to outerspace. From your experience, how hard do the martians party? Should we, as mere earthlings, feel threatened?
Ha, we both believe in aliens. We believe in what you can’t see more than what you can see…the illusion is fun but it’s the Maya, the illusion! Martians party hard, but humans know how to sing the blues better than anyone, which makes us also know how to party better than anyone.

Any upcoming projects we should be on the look out for? Besides your gig this weekend in KL!
Yes! We have been working on original music for sometime, our EP will be out soon and we’ll be doing a live show with that–ALSO we are currently finishing up designing a travel inspired capsule collection for Volcom Spring 2012! Clothing and accessories. You’re the first interview we’ve done to ask us that, exciting! Music and Fashion BOOM–the next galactic freeway exits to infinity.

Posso will be playing this 12 Saturday at the launch of Bedroom KL. Get to know Posso and their site.

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