Interview: Mr. Sam

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Hailing from France, Samuel Paquet aka Mr. Sam is one dashing DJ. The DJ and producer who is known for his renowned Opus compilation series is coming to Euphoria to show us what he’s got. Mr. Sam’s DJing career started in 1995 and has since made a name for himself, as well as grabbing a deal with Tiësto’s Black Hole Recordings. After touring big international events such as Mysteryland, Tomorrowland, Matrixx and Powerzone, he is back again to hit us up with more techno and trance.

Tell us what have you been working on these days?
I’m working as we speak on the new Opus 4 due after summer. I’m working extremely hard on it to make it even better than the previous chapter. The new chapter will be different from the latest chapters. It will be even more spiritual and emotional. Be ready to have many surprises. I do want the series to evolve. I always want to bring something new on the table. Opus aims more and more to be the shop window for these hidden talents. I cannot stress enough how much work is involved in unearthing these rare pearls from all corners of the world. This is what I love more than anything about my Opus concept.

I am also happy to see that my Opus concept, which I created completely independently several years ago, has inspired many others to do the same in the field of electronic music. Many famous DJs have been inspired by Opus to create their own mix album. I am at the same time flattered and happy to see that finally my basic and adventurous idea has now become the norm in the field of mix albums. Many of them have complimented me on this revolutionary and innovative concept using exclusively titles composed especially for Opus. This approval was not won quickly and I had, at the time, to convince people of the relevance of my artistic approach as well as the viability of the project itself. I take no personal glory from this but simply the feeling of having, in my own time, been able to analyse the evolution of tastes in music, thought deeply about it and set my project in motion in a sustainable way.

Any interesting story from your recent gigs?
They are always funny and strange, but for this gig, you have to come and spend some time with me backstage. You’ll understand how crazy it is (smiles).

Do you remember your first DJ gig ever?
Yes I do. It was in a club for 5000 people. It was the birthday party of a well-known DJ in Belgium and coincidentally I was asked to play from 2am till 3am. All my friends were there and I felt like was like dreaming. Was a blast!

Which is your favourite Opus edition?
Very good question. I think it would be Opus Secundo. But as soon as I’m work on Opus 4, I hope it will be my favourite!

How’s your label Appia Music doing?
Going strong! I’m still focusing on only releasing my own music on my label. I have a vision and a project that I want to achieve and it’s taking time. It will be a long road but I’m confident.

What are you listening to these days?
Lots of stuff, actually. A lot of old school techno. I’m in a techno vibe at the moment. I want to explore more with this genre. Even if I did a lot in the past, it is still something I love and I want to spend more time doing it.

What’s your favourite event that you have played at?
Beach party in Poland with 25,000 people on the beach. Amazing. Was playing with ATB and a whole lot others.

Any events you’d like to perform at, but haven’t?
Trance Energy and Sensation White for a massive techno set!

What do you think of the trance scene these days?
The music and fusion of sound elements have definitely evolved and improved over the years. The quality of music has been much better now!

I noticed that you wear a lot of suits in your promotional photos. Why is that?
Because naked is not decent I guess! It’s the Mr. Sam Style, easy as that!

Do you wear suits when you’re relaxing at home?
Yes, almost everyday believe it or not. I don’t wear the suit in the shower, but for the rest, always glamour and chic.

Any current obsessions?
Way too many to mention. I’m a perfectionist. It’s a good and bad thing at the same time. My nickname is Mr. Details.

What are the things you love about France?
Culture, art, the way of life and freedom of speech.

Are you looking forward to your trip to Kuala Lumpur?
Of course. Can’t wait. Last year I had a blast and I’m excited again to come over. I’m coming to blast the dance floor and burn the roof. You’re warned!

Trance Nation pres. Mr. Sam at Euphoria will be happening on Friday, 23 July 2010 from 9.30pm onwards. Entry is RM60 plus one house pouring drink. Head on over to for more Euphoria goodness and for more info about Mr. Sam.

Image Euphoria

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