Interview: Krates

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Krates fondly known as DJ Krates, Klang raised home boy Kamil Kaide started DJing at the age of 15, when he enrolled in Mixology DJ Academy under the guidance of DJ Fuzz. With his heart thumping hip hop, RNB, dancehall AND reggaeton beats, Krates has entered countless turntable competitions emerging as Victor at JUICE‘S recent DJ quest. He is working on a series of mixtapes Kratesomniac which includes collaborations with hip hop artists from the US and France and is one of the members of the Slip N Slide DJs.

Congratulations on your victory! How did you celebrate the night? Thanks! I went to Laundry and met up with my mentor DJ Fuzz. We celebrated there. How did you enter into the world of DJing?
It started when I was 15. My PMR results were quite good. Then my parents asked me what I wanted as a present. At that time I was reading this magazine. I forgot the name of the magazine. It was a Malay magazine and in it there was a column – Mari Belajar DJ bersama DJ Fuzz. And I was just like “Okay lets give it a try.”

How would you describe your style and flavour? Rnb and hip hop. In turntablism, I’m more into melody and rhythm than technicality. For me, I don’t mind if it’s simple as long as it’s nice to hear. Is it easy to get into Turntablism?
Nowadays, it’s not that hard. We have a lot of DJ schools in Malaysia, particularly in KL. So if you’re interested, you can enroll in any DJ school you like. But for me the most important thing is hard work and passion. Because, every year, new stuff will come up, so you need to do some research like watch videos on Youtube. It’s the same in college or school. No matter how much your teacher has taught you, you still need to buy reference books and revise, right?

Nowadays everyone and their kid brother can be a DJ with the right set of equipment and a laptop. Do you think that DJs that can’t scratch aren’t really DJs?
If you can’t mix, then you’re not a real DJ. Because for me, scratching is the extra stuff. EDM DJs play with a lot of effects in their sets. As for hip hop and rnb DJs, we do a lot turntablism stuff.

Who would you like to collaborate with?
Turntablism group, Stylustiks.

If you could invent a new dance music genre or move, what would you call it?
Kratesomniac. Hahaha!

What’s the one thing that a DJ shouldn’t do?
Become too focused and not have fun. You need to communicate with the crowd.

What’s the one thing that a DJ shouldn’t play?
Hmm… I don’t know, Hari Raya songs perhaps.

How did you get your nickname “Krates”?
I got the name from DJ Fuzz. Actually, it comes from the word “crates”. Back in the day, DJs used to bring records or vinyl to clubs carried in crates.

Who do you look up to as a mentor?
DJ Fuzz, DJ Cash Money and DJ Woody.

If you didn’t become a DJ, what would you be doing now?
I’d be an IT Consultant.

Checkout DJ Krates’ ill tracks and mixes at

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