Interview: King Spin

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Spitting rhymes and house music? You got that right. A well known MC and the other an up and coming DJ, Point Blanc and DJ Ken are King Spin.

Were did King Spin begin?
Point Blanc: King Spin is a collaboration between me and DJ Ken. The big picture is that it’s going to be an organization, a crew lah, because Ken runs a DJ school called Positive Rotations in Subang and I run my label and clothing line, Voyeurizm. So we sat down and said “Why don’t we bring our resources together and try to do something for the club scene?” In time we’re looking at students on his side and MCs from my side merging together. Hopefully King Spin will be a brand for our night, from the music, the mix tapes, the clothing line….

So where can we get to know King Spin a little better?
Point Blanc: For now on Friday nights at Blanc le Club. We are doing something nobody has done before (that we know of) blending house music and MCing together. We’ve been experimenting and the crowd response has been very good. It’s a crazy night. You should come by!
DJ Ken: Yeah I warm up with r & b and hip hop then slowly bring that to house.

Yeah, that’s seems to be the direction hip hop and r & b is heading in – on a Eurotrance tip.
Point Blanc: Jay Z just dropped ‘D.O.A.’ (Death of Autotune) so we don’t know where this new trend will go but right now from doing gigs in clubs we can gauge that the crowd definitely accepts this new sound because of its influence from electro and house. For us its good news because MCing is an art form and our nights are like going to a rock concert.

Local artists seem to have to work a lot harder for the local audience’s respect. How do you handle that?
Point Blanc: Passion is the only thing that drives me especially when I constantly get people complaining about how making music isn’t an easy living street to live on. Everything that comes after passion is a bonus. My secret has always been humility. If you are egotistical when you are on top you get lazy and tempted by the lifestyle. Go back to your roots and remember what you’re doing this for.

Who do you have respect for?
Point Blank: I would like to go on record to say mad respect to the Rogue Squadron for doing Bomb Shelter. They’re holding it down there for the real hip hop kids. Ken and I (with king Spin) are trying to educate the masses so we have to cater to the crowd and at the same time educate them.

Where were you when you heard about Michael Jackson’s death?
Point Blanc: I knew 6 minutes before CNN announced it. I was online. Around 4am. Suddenly everybody’s an MJ fan, it’s sickening to see. I’m not a fan, but I grew up watching him and I even saw him win the Grammy for Thiller live on TV. The media really has the power to make or break you. It’s crazy what he’s been through!

So what’s your favourite track at the moment?
DJ Ken: Paul Van Dyke ‘For An Angel’ but the remixed version.
Point Blanc: ‘Man In The Mirror’ by Michael Jackson

And would you say the local media is supportive of the Malaysian music industry?
Point Blanc: I think that English media is great. People like JUICE – I’m not kissing a$$ here – they’re very supportive. The Chinese media? (Scoffs) Yeaah right.
DJ Ken: JUICE is good, other than that I don’t really check other mags.
Point Blanc: The English media really knows their sh*t, other mediums don’t. Get your knowledge on, Chinese media!

King Spin keeps the hinges on the doors and the feet on the floor every Friday night at Blanc le Club. Check out for more of Point Blank and DJ Ken’s adventures.

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