Interview: Kasabian
Brit rockers Kasabian have been dubbed by the media as the next Oasis. They carry all the attributes of a successful Brit rock band – cocky swagger, brutal honesty, designer clothes and dark and pumping music. Very much the opposite, lead guitarist and co-songwriter Sergio Pizzorno is a soft-spoken, cross-bearing nice guy. JUICE presses the irate button in hopes of exposing the rude rockstar within. No points for guessing what happens next…
Congratulations on West Ryder Pauper Lunatic Asylum. You guys have certainly made one heck of a 3rd album. If you could compare this album to anything, what would it be?
It’s probably our Sgt Pepper‘s but actually, I don’t really know because that’s just such an incredible album it’s hard for me to say. No, actually it is our Their Satanic Majesties Request and our Sgt Pepper‘s.
Do you have any fears of another Charles Manson being inspired by your music?
No, because we have never made any. We’ve always said it was just a name we liked. We won’t do anything to promote that.
Kasabian was the best band at MTV World Stage because the other bands were a little too commercial and poppy. Did you think that when you were backstage?
Yeah, I’m glad you noticed, thank you. We’re sort of traditional. Not traditional in sound. Just for us, it’s all on our own terms. We don’t compromise and we play high energy music for the fans. Yeah, you’re right.
So which band annoyed you the most?
Annoyed me? No no. I wouldn’t say that. Far from it. Everyone does what they do. It’s fair play and we do what we do.
So did you guys have swine flu in Australia?
No, we didn’t actually. It was just the media lying.
We noticed that when you’re performing on stage, you hardly look up from your guitar. Are you a shy strummer or do you just want to give complete attention to your guitar?
Yeah, I tend to go into my own little world. I don’t really know what that’s down to. I’ve just always played that way. I’ve just seemed to be consumed by the sound and the feeling and I’m kinda just in the moment. I think Tom sort of addresses the whole crowd because he’s the frontman whereas I’m playing you know.
Could it be that you still haven’t gotten used to the masses of people?
I wouldn’t say that. I’ve been doing this for so long that it never makes me feel uncomfortable. I’m just doing my own thing.
You guys have been spotting Burberry in photo shoots. Will you be working with any other brands in the future?
I don’t know, maybe in the future. But no plans for now.
We see you guys wearing crosses a lot in pictures. Are you a religious person?
No, my dad bought me this when I was 18. It was my birthday present. I’m not religious but I just keep wearing it you know.
Your father is Italian and he came from Genoa. Do you visit Italy often?
Yeah, quite a lot when I was younger. We’d go 3 to 4 times a year to see family. I love the place. It’s a beautiful.
Can you speak Italian?
I can understand quite a fair bit but I can’t really talk. That’s terrible. I gonna learn it one day.
Kasabian songs have been featured in computer and console games. Is it because you like computer games or is it purely for the money?
Well, there isn’t actually a great deal of money to be made from computer games. You can reach so many more people and they know the power of that so they don’t pay you a lot of money. But you can reach something like 6 million people that may not have heard of you. And that’s getting the message out. So kids that haven’t heard of you might go out and get the album. I think that’s pretty cool.
There seems like there’s a lot of female British artists coming out this year: Little Boots, La Roux and Florence & The Machine. What do you make of this?
I just hope that they kind of stop. It always happens in England, when there’s something good happening, they kind of flood it with the more of the same. I think why it was good in the first place was because it was different. They have to be more careful that there’s no more because it takes the shine away. But I think Florence & The Machine is quite interesting. I’m all for it you know.
Would you like to date any one of them?
Date? No, haha. I’ve got a nice woman at home.
How does your lady understand your lifestyle?
She is a saint. She’s heavenly. And I don’t know how she does it because I couldn’t if it was the other way around. I don’t know. I must be a good cook or something.
A good cook or…
A good cook! You’re getting naughty, aren’t you? You thought I said something else, didn’t you? Haha.
We’re just partially deaf from last night. Do you have a Liam Gallagher story? Has he been getting mellower over the years?
I really don’t know. I’ve kind of only known him since 2005. There’s fire in his eyes, there always will be. But he’s just a really funny guy.
You and Tom once said in an interview in 2004, that artists like Oasis and Morrissey are just getting on because they’re obviously getting older and it’s time for new bands, like yourselves, to kick them out of their grandpa jackets…
Did we say that? I would not have said that about Oasis, though.
But you would’ve said that about Morrissey?
Well, I don’t know. That doesn’t sound like one of ours. Morrissey’s cool, man. Maybe we were talking about Bon Jovi or something.
Maybe, Sergio. Maybe.
Kasabian’s own Sgt Pepper’s – West Ryder Pauper Lunatic Asylum (Sony Music) is out now. The awesome foursome rocked MTV World Stage at the Surf Pool, Sunway Lagoon Resort on 15 August. Get more of Kasabian at and
Find out what they think of sharing the stage with Oasis and Bruce Springsteen; read the complete interview at