Interview: Foulworks

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The duo of Drth Sid and IVANX is Foulworks, and Foulworks is them. Drth Sid has influences from Tom Yam land, while IVANX fuses his Russian heritage and it became a story of two buddies teaming up, creating, an amazing tidal wave of music took place which has a tendency to overwhelm their crowds, but this was not the case. They first recorded on an FMP “Free music production” Mixtape cd well over three years ago and it has blasted them up into hyper space and so their year really began with a spectacular, and much anticipated Foulworks Independent Movement. There was a flood of ideas that went back and forth, building to dense eruptions which always providing hope and anticipation for the upcoming gigs throughout the year. It was pretty darn cool for JUICE to sit down and have a chat with these two New wave cum electro DJ’s.

Text Wendy Wong
Image Azwan Mahzan

Why the name Foulworks?
It just came to us that, actually Foulworks is our second choice for a group name. We couldn’t go with the primary choice because it’s a tad too controversial to be used. (which we can’t dispose here) The name came about during my sleep (laughs) many many years ago. I just woke up and the name just came in. It’s a representation of being a deviant, that much I can tell you.

How did you guys meet and join forces for this collective?
We’re actually old schoolmates since high school, like 10 years ago. We party a lot together and slowly we generated the same interested for music, basically we share the same taste. The reason we chose this genre of music is probably, we can’t play any musical instruments. Being a DJ you can play all sorts of instruments in one track. We just mix things up randomly and yea, magic happens.

What is that one thing that sets you apart?
Both of us share the same passion but in terms of style, we’re totally different. Oh yea, girls too. We’re different in the girls department. (laughs)

What is this FWIM I read about?
Foulworks is a group and the Foulworks Independent Movement is an overall movement for our parties. More like a plan to organize more parties. The movement combines the 1980s electropop / New Wave / Italo disco sound by means of synthesizers and drum machines. What we see in the movement is that, it’s an independent studio thingy, we just wanna have a collective number of people from different varsities of life coming in and join us. But in the end, the movement is about us Foulworks. We’re performers. We’re just two guys sharing the same love, doing what we love.

Describe the sound of Foulworks.
We did a survey, and our fans have told us that our genre is more like New Wave sound but mainly, we think our tracks is mostly house. House is the basic of dance music afterall. We don’t have a specific sound as we prefer having our fans interpreting their idea of our sound and give us feedback.

If Foulworks were an animal, what would it be?
We would be a cockroach. They’re rough and tough baby.

Run us through your ultimate DJ dream.
We have a passion burning and we loved to play in more gigs. Currently we’re playing around clubs in KL and we love it to the max, because our goal is simple, we just wanna reach out to our fans and be heard. Hopefully one day we could be featured in Amsterdam Dance events or even the Winter Music Conference in Miami. We have big dreams alright but no harm trying.

Do you think that you are a indie act rising up?
We discussed this with our fans actually, and we find that the market is really small to erect their own flag. Frankly speaking, we’re not an indie act since we’re climbing up the scene. But we do advise, it’s worth for wannabes to try out, but the competition is tough. Better toughen up for the battle.

How do you guys get inspiration for your music?
Ivan cooks and yea, that’s how he gets his ideas from. Cooking is very effective in conjuring ideas yea! The ideas just come to us anytime anywhere, whether we’re reading, sleeping, or just staring at the wall. Many times we were just blank, and suddenly an epiphany just shines on us.

How’s the chemistry between you guys?
We can’t avoid bickering with each other definitely, since we’re bound to have creative differences. But we work it out and we convert our differences into something unique, and it comes out in our work.

It’s already the end of the year, what’s buzzing for Foulworks?
Work. Work and more work. We don’t have any plans in particular as our time is quite stringent. And our next event Airwolf + Blue Thunder is in Singapore, on the Helipad.

Watch out as Foulworks take over your KL slowly.

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