Interview: Dezz

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He placed 2nd runner up in 2006’s Heineken presents JUICE DJ Quest, played at the legendary Full Moon Party at Koh Phangan and was one of the first Malaysian DJa to host on Digitally Imported Radio based in New York ( He recently got back from a gig at Cage, Saigon called Love In Saigon. JUICE caught up with him post-party.

Hi Dezz, what did you eat today?
I just woke up after a long night. Haven’t eaten anything yet!

How has life changed since JUICE DJ Quest?
Life goes on! Pretty much the same like before as I’m busy with my day job and working on my music stuff.

How did Love in Saigon happen?
It was simple. These guys came to me and told me that they like my music. They planned to throw a theme party and told me the whole idea which sounds so cool. I accepted the offer straight away.

What was it like?
It was a pre-Valentine’s thing. Everyone was given a coloured arm-band at the door to show their status, whether they’re single or something else, so everyone can try their luck out there. The atmosphere was really great; people are friendly and very interactive. They were really up for it! I had a great night!

Did you have to DJ in a cage?
Hahaha… Sounds interesting but never! I don’t think I want to DJ in a cage, but watching people dancing in a cage would be quite interesting!

What other international gigs have been keeping you busy?
I’m heading to Hanoi right after this for another gig tonight. Then, I have some gigs in Australia next month and Koh Phangan & Koh Samui in August or September. I’m still looking at a few offers as I need to juggle the balance in between my day job, DJing and music production. I’ve been busy working on a track for the A Sound compilation’, and a few other upcoming remixes and releases for Stream Recordings and Dark & Dirty. At the same time I also have my mixes for the A Sound podcast featured every month. I wish I had 48 hours a day!

Busy busy man… Has your style changed significantly over the years?
Music wise, my sound has been evolving fas a lot of music passes through from all over the world. I’ve always stuck with my set sound and character, I never fall under a specific genres or follow trends, but technique-wise, I’ve been moving away from conventional DJing into more technology driven methods. Dance music has always been driven forward by the development of technology.

Where will we find you next?
Facebook? (Smiles) I’ll keep you posted.

Do you think skinnies are gonna remain the hot item fashion item for DJs?
Erm… I don’t think so. Not me, at least!

What five things do you have to do after this interview?
Go to airport immediately! Yeah! I need to go!
Grab some food, whatever I can get!
Shout out to JUICE!
I miss KL!

Hmm… Okay… Catch Dezz hitting it up in town soon and if you miss him, look him up at

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