Interview: Borgore

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People are blaming Borgore for murdering dubstep-but in a good way. Asaf Borger from Tel Aviv, Israel started as a drummer for death metal band Shabira and was also one half of the dubstepping Alphamale Primates. Today, he is a respected producer known for his filthy dubstep mixes and has even been commended for transforming Britney Spears’ ‘Womanizer’ into something less insufferable. Already getting mad love with sold-out shows on his US tour, JUICE got a chance to speak to the cheeky DJ/producer about his music, the city he grew up in and phone sex. Saucy!

Hello! Greetings from Malaysia. What did you get up to today?
Hello, Malaysia! My stomach is dying for something sweet and I have 13,209 emails saying, “Get on this interview,” so I did!

Well, thanks for your time! Anyways, I fell in love with your stuff the 1st time I heard ‘Goresteps Most Hated’. What’s the best compliment you’ve ever gotten?
My mum saying, “Okay, maybe you don’t need university.”

How does it feel to be 23 and so successful?
I’m not yet 23! I’m living in denial but I will be in 2 months, sadly. And I have issues with achievements; I’m never satisfied, therefore I don’t feel successful.

So how will you celebrate your birthday?
I’m probably going to be away from home, so it’s going to be a phone birthday. Hey, if phone sex works I guess anything can work on the phone, innit? Honey, I’m blowing up balloons, I’m blowing on the candles, et cetera…

You studied jazz and classical in school. What triggered the switch?
Anyone can draw squares but for it to be art you have to convince people you are a talented artist who can draw whatever you feel like, and in that case it’s a square. In order for me to make whatever music I feel like, I had to be very familiar with music’s basics.

You were in a metal band before going solo. What’s the one thing you miss about being in a band?
Producing solo means you sit alone in the studio for hours, you fly alone on tours and in the case of an annoying promoter, it’s just you and him in a party where sometimes you don’t even know the local language. I miss the friendship part of being in a band, but that’s also the Achilles tendon of being a part of a group.

Do you think you’ve redefined dubstep?
I might have done that, but I can’t take all the credit to myself.

What has been the biggest event you’ve played at so far?
There are a couple of really huge shows I’ve played like Starscape Festival and Dour Festival.

What did you splurge on with your 1st big paycheque?
You can laugh about me being a Jew, but I like to save the money. I prefer making long-term investments than spending it all now and ending up with nothing in the future…though I’ve put a lot of money into my new studio lately, but I see it as an investment!

Who would your ideal tour DJ mates be?
There are so many people I’ve met along the way and found amazing to do shows with. Dubstep is still in that phase where everyone is super-nice and doing music for the passion. I guess the best call would be Tomba, since we’re both childhood friends and have been best friends forever.

Since it’s Halloween this month, what’s your favourite scary movie?
Scream and I Know What You Did Last Summer, cos they were my 1sts when I was a kid. I just gathered a couple of girls in my house and we sat to watch these.

What are your most prized possessions?
My passport and laptop.

What can’t you stand about yourself?
Sh!t, the list is too long…

What’s the best thing about your job?
You don’t need to go to university.

What’s the best thing about Tel Aviv?
It’s super-liberal, and always on top of what’s coming next in the arts and fashion. The night scene is crazy! Amazing beach and food is good everywhere. This is heaven.

For those who don’t know who Borgore is, how would you introduce yourself?
Hannah Montana of the hardcore scene.

And what else can we expect from you in the months to come?
New tunes, live show with Tomba, Buygore [the website for his label Buygore Records] and maybe some production for bigger mainstream acts with an underground flavour.

Can’t wait! So how would you recommend one should enjoy your music? Describe a scenario.
Go to a show that plays my music with all your friends. When a tune drops, create havoc that will make the security hate on the DJ forever.

This interview was done in August, so a big happy birthday from JUICE to Borgore! For some havoc, peep

Image 2khAAT

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