Ian Carey: House Pool

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Hot off from organising Steve Aoki’s sold out stop in KL, KC & Friends invited JUICE to cool down with a giant pool party at The Pool KL with guest DJ, house maestro Ian Carey. Hailing all the way from party city-by-the-coast Miami, it wasn’t to the surprise of anyone that Ian could get party punters to wild out as much as they did that night. We spoke to the veteran DJ immediately after that particularly debauched night to discuss about his packing habits and his favourite pool party, which you should know the answer to if you went to KC & Friends Pool Party.

You were into drumming and have always been surrounded by music through your dad, who was a sound engineer. Growing up in that kind of household, did you always dream of becoming a music superstar?
Not really, it wasn’t until I was about 18 that I realised I was going to do music for a living, prior to that I thought the best route was to go to university, get a degree and a job. But music was instilled in me and after 2 years at university on full scholarship, I dropped out to pursue the thing I was meant to be doing; music.

Your first single with Soul Providers, ‘Rise’ was a major hit in Europe, US and it even achieved Gold certification in the UK. Why did you just suddenly change your mind to branch into other things?
That question is hard to answer, that was almost 12 years ago, and music has changed over and over since then. You have to evolve and keep up with the trends and sometimes even make the trends of music.

What is it like being a touring DJ who’s been to almost everyone around the globe? Any favourite places?
Well I enjoy playing everywhere. I’ve been to over 60 countries now and it’s never really the actual country that makes it great, it’s the time, place, people, and the moment of each event I play so I can’t say I have a favourite.  That said back then I was touring a lot in The Netherlands and I ended up living there for 3 years, after that I moved to Spain and now I’m in Miami.

As a man who has several Top 40 hits in many major music markets, what do you think about the way you produce music that appeals to more than just strictly dance music lovers?
I have the ethos that when I make music I want to share it, and I want to share it with as many people as possible, I want the most people possible to relate to the music I make, I believe that is sharing. Making things for yourself or a small audience is okay for some people but I like to be more giving with my music and make it available to everyone.

Since you come from a hip hop and r’n’b background and you’ve been working with heavyweights from the genre, is the passion big enough for you to move on to producing something along those lines?
Yes and no, I left that genre years ago because I didn’t like where it was heading.  That said, I am using influences from the “good days” of hip hop and some other genres in a new side project I am currently working on.

When touring, what are some of the essential items that you must have?
I’m a pretty simple guy, especially when touring. I never check luggage, only hand luggage, and pack my bags like a soldier heading off to war.  Most important things for touring are my Macbook Pro, my Beats headphones, and my iPad or iPhone with Ekhart Tolle’s audio books to listen to.

What are some of your favourite clubs and festivals to play at and how would you compare the scene of those places now and then?
Like I said, it’s all about the moments. You can go to one place and it’s the best ever, then go back there and it’s just not as good. It’s about the right vibe and the right time, the planets aligning or whatever that makes those magical moments when touring, I don’t play favouritism.

What was the craziest pool party you ever spun at?
After just saying I don’t play favouritism, I will break my own rule and say KC’s party in KL.


KC & Friends Pool Party with Ian Carey was on 19 August 2012. Get more on the house veteran at www.iancarey.com

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