i confess….

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I never realised how much I appreciated architecture and building design until my trip to the UK recently. Everywhere I went I’d see historical buildings and find myself taking pictures of them. But like all snap-happy adventures, my camera finally ran out of memory space and I had to trash most of these pictures. But the ones I did hold on to were the pictures I took of old churches. I am not overly religious, but just the word “old” is enough to make me interested in anything (same goes to words like “vintage”, “antique”, “retro” and my favourite, “old school”). The fact that these churches are nostalgic representations of history sharing space with modern architecture make them so haunting, beautiful and romantic at the same time. I regret now that I only have pictures of church facades and not memories of my visits inside them. The next time I visit again, I’ll definitely make it a point to step in. Hey … I might even go for confession.

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