HyppTV Moonlight Movies Night II Giveaways!

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Bet you’re all wonderin’ what this is about, eh? First of, HyppTV is delivered by UniFi and it provides a variety of movies, TV shows, documentaries and news all at your demand! They are hosting their 2nd Moonlight Movies Night. What’s this night like? It’s an outdoor movie marathon — the kind you would go to for a romantic night out like the ’80s were still alive and kicking. If you enjoy movies, the outdoors, and socialising in one package, check out how you can be a part of this exclusive event . How is this exclusive? It’s only only open to UniFi & Streamyx subscribers. Unless you are a participant of this contest though, we’ve got 2o pairs of tickets up for grabs!

HyppTV Moonlight Movies Night II
Venue Bukit Kiara Equestrian Resort
Date 5 May 2012
Time 6pm – 12am
Movie titles Puss in Boots & Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol
Theme Costume Theme (so you can be a hot nurse, Brad Pitt, Najib.. it’s like Halloween but in April!)

As usual, answer the question and a slogan to win yourself a ticket!

Q:  What’s the name of the song that plays when you open Hypp.Tv’s website?
and not forgetting, complete this slogan in less than 20 words – Hypp.Tv is better than regular TV because..

Send your answers in by Monday 30 April 2012 along with your full name, IC and handphone number with the subject ‘Moonlight Movies’ to [email protected]. Winners will be announced on Wednesday 2 May 2012.

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