HTC: The Social Series
These days we quite literally have technology coming out of our ears, every time we turn our laptops on, there has been some new, miraculous release of an item even better than the last. At this rate we will all be roaming around on hovercrafts by next week (cue The Jetsons theme). But whilst we hold our breath and wait for that day, why not check out the new HTC Series, they don’t quite fly, but we tell you what, it comes pretty close!
How many phones out there look sweeeeet but are actually impossible to get your head around? The new HTC phone series relies on its simplicity, making them user friendly for indeed, any age group and are equipped with functions that will make you stop and think, ‘hey, why hasn’t any one else thought of that?’
Take the HTC Sensation for instance, you can silence your phone just buy flipping it over to avoid those awkward moments and evil looks. Get camera happy with its quick-to-snap 8.0 megapixel camera and its incredible multimedia system that allows you to listen to music, download your e-mails and visit websites all at the same time!
How often do you log in to Facebook? Once a day… for the whole day? Yeah we’re all guilty of it. Facebook has become an addiction and HTC are here to (quite happily) fuel it. The HTC ChaCha has a prime Facebook button that will allow you to share just about anything with a simple touch. Photos, videos and those all ‘important’ status updates can be uploaded in seconds. Seriously, this phone is all things social, so chat away with high speed internet and juggle as many convos as you like.
Still not satisfied? Here’s our third and final contestant, meet the HTC Sala, trust us, this one’s hot. Get the premium feel of the Sensation, combined with all the social networking privileges of the ChaCha, blog, chat and tweet away in one sitting. Face it, for all you social networking fanatics, this could be your hovercraft.
Check out the HTC series on and get involved with the world.