Hollywood’s Gone Green

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Turn on the telly and you’ll see Leonardo DiCaprio’s ’11th Hour’ being aired. Go to the movies and you’ll get Edward Norton’s ‘The Painted Veil’. Read the papers and you get Hayden Panettiere in the Japan’s waters trying to save the dolphins. It seems like going green is the new pink in celebrity trends.

Apparently, someone else shares the same passion as well. Supermodel Gisele Bundchen has a spot for the environment? The latest Ipanema Gisele Bundchen Seeds Collection seeks to couple fashion and nature.

A meaningful partnership was born as Ipanema Gisele Bundchen (Malaysia) and WWF Malaysia joined hands to save the earth. For the third time, RSH (M) Sdn Bhd will donate part proceeds from each pair of Ipanema Gisele Bundchen bought to the WWF Malaysia’s Peninsular Malaysia Forests Programme. Pat on the back to these folks.

The Ipanema Gisele Bundchen Seeds Collection was unveiled to the media at a one-of-a-kind launch affair at the Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM), Kepong. JUICE and other members of the media were given the opportunity to pot their own plant as a gesture of support. A Periwinkle plant is now the latest member of the JUICE team!

To further create awareness on the importance of the environment’s green cover and to highlight just how easy it is to make a difference, RSH (M) Sdn Bhd will be giving out Ipanema DIY Green Packs which consist of a BABA flower pot and a packet of seeds to the first 500 customers who purchase a pair of sandals from the Ipanema Gisele Bündchen collection.

So with Tinseltown hopping on the bandwagon going green, what can we expect next? Celebrities arriving at the Oscars in Hybrid cars and trading in the red carpet for a green one? We live in hope.

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