Thirsty for JUICE content? Quench your cravings on our Instagram, TikTok and WhatsApp

source: HOAX

To appropriate Staten Island’s almighty Wu-Tang Clan; HOAX is for the children. And we know some of you young’uns don’t have the kind of dough to attend HO4X – either cause your pops have no extra cash for your dumbass or you just wanna spend them on booze during the event. So here’s some generosity on our and HOAX Vision’s behalf; we’ve got a few tickets up for grabs.

How do I win free tickets?
Simple, HOAX will release questions via their social media outlets – Facebook and Twitter – and all you need to do is answer them on either one of those two social platforms. Questions will be released in two parts – the first objective and the second subjective. Answers shouldn’t be more than 250 words; brevity will be rewarded!

For those submitting via Twitter, post a screen cap of your answer if it exceeds the character limit.

The first couple of questions will be released at approximately 3pm tomorrow (Friday 14 August ’15).

Hint: JUICEOnline.com is the only source of all the objective questions.

How do I qualify?
Participants must like and/or follow both HOAX‘s and JUICE Malaysia’s respective Facebook pages and Twitter accounts. Answers must include the hashtags #HO4X and #HOAXGIVESYOU, and more importantly, don’t forget to tag us!

For example;

@HOAXVISION @JuiceMy I like #HO4X because they are dope. #HOAXGIVESYOU

(On the HO4X event page)
I like #HOAX because they are dope. JUICE Malaysia HOAX #HOAXGIVESYOU

Questions for the giveaway will be held simultaneously on both Facebook and Twitter, with separate winners for each platform. No limits to the amount of answers from participants.

1 question = 2 winning posts (1 from Twitter, 1 from Facebook)
1 winning post = 1 ticket

May the best and most creative young’un win.

Follow HOAX on Facebook and Twitter.

For enquiries, holler at them at [email protected].

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