Here’s 10 Empowering Tracks For International Women’s Day By Takahara Suiko

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 “Woman – the power to create, nurture and transform!”

Happy International Women’s Day everyone! In case you didn’t know, we honour the women for their remarkable contribution to our society on 8 March every year. The day also commemorates the inspiring role of women around the world to secure women’s rights and build more equitable societies. Women’s Day serves to remember the voices of many women that go unheard and who continue to be dominated from securing their rights and realising their full potential.

This time at JUICE, we ask none other than The Venopian Solitude’s Takahara Suiko to help us curate a playlist specific for this day.

The band has been paving the way to give us a sense of uniqueness and progress in the music industry, just the thing we need in this country. Besides being a badass woman who creates amazing music alongside her band, Taka really is the pioneer of girls in hijab, or basically women who do whatever the hell she wants. From her opinions, dressing, to the way she carries herself, Takahara Suiko is definitely one to pay attention to.

(source: TVS FB)

Before we get into the playlist, we asked Taka one thing: As a woman in Malaysia, we have certain standards that we have to ‘live up to’, especially being a Muslim woman. What gave you the courage and spirit to show your gila-gila (crazy) personality to the public?

Taka: One day I realised that strangers in public don’t really give a fuck about you more than one minute. So even if you were butt-naked, they would probably talk about it, then forget (this was back in 2008, back when social media and viral posts weren’t yet a thing). Since that revelation, I start wearing whatever I want (baju tidur to the mall, telekung to KFC). And when I feel free and more comfortable this way, I start applying it in everything I do from then on.

With that being said, take a listen at one of their most iconic songs called ‘Pelacur Muzik’ live down below:

Now that’s done, let’s get right into the playlist! Scroll down to see what she chose:

1. Kimbra : Top Of The World

2. tUnE-yArDs : Real Thing

3. Lianne La Havas : Forget

4. Mayra Andrade : Kenha Ki Ben Ki Ta Bai

5. Jain : Makeba

6. Frau : Tarian Sari

7. Tricot : E

8. Aimer : Dare ka, Umi wo

9. Chloe and Halle : Drop

10. Ibadi : Voyage

Damn, this is the perfect playlist to play for your girls while y’all are on the way to the upcoming Women’s March this weekend.

Wanna listen to more of The Venopian Solitude? Click here or listen on iTunes, here.

Make sure to follow The Venopian Solitude on their Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Soundcloud & Bandcamp.

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