Ben Does Heineken Green Space @ Bijou
Who works on a Sunday? We do. Or at least I do.
After bashing words with and catching Kasabian lying in an interview at Sunway Hotel & Spa, I went over to the aptly dubbed Green Room in Bijou, Mont Kiara. Word had be circulating that this was a TAG “secret party” as well so I er, tagged along, curious at what TAGgers might do on Sundays – that time in between partying like drunken urchins on seahorses and work.
I arrive around 7pm and find that the free flow has just ended – the party started around 3pm – but at least there’s ample food, including some suspicious looking chocolate cakes.
Flica is in the middle of his set, in a state of bliss as he goyang-goyang from side to side with his guitar, doing his wall-of-sound ambient thing. Serious serious stuff. Later, Flica comes up to me.
“What do you think of my performance?”
“I thought it was good,” I said.
“Did it make you cry?”
I paused then said, “No.”
“Then I’ve failed!”
“Well, it did make me feel depressed. Don’t take it too hard.”
Flica walks away with an artistic countenance and lurches towards the door. Some people are just gloomy by nature.
After getting my ass kicked at Guitar Hero by a girl in a long dress (Jennifer Choo – Ed), I find out that a) it’s nothing like the real thing and b) cute chicks can kick ass. The girl in the long dress turns out to be a friend of the boss’. She has dimples that look as if they were shot in there by a BB gun (the girl, not the boss) and tells me that she’s on Rock Band with her friends so often their unofficial Rock Band name is “The Rolling Scönes.”
The party ends early, around 9.45pm, but not before a sexy DJ set by Hakeem from Mixing In Action with the lovely Raja and a solo acoustic performance by Wolf, formerly of Spunky Funggi. Oh yeah, and somebody wins a real guitar for scoring highest in Guitar Hero. It wasn’t a chick. And no I didn’t dream this.
Twilight Actiongirl presents Heineken Green Space was a private party event for friends of TAG. It went down with chocolate cakes and girls in long dresses on 16 August 2009 at Bijou in Mont Kiara. Check out the pics here.